
Welcome to the Desk

… a helpful place where you can learn about the guys and gals that are there for you when you have an IT emergency.

Specifically this blog is meant to introduce MTSU students, staff and faculty to the Information Technology Divisions’ Help Desk; a small dedicated group of staff and student workers that act as first level support for the Universities’ technology challenges.

What does all that mean?  It means we want to let you know about the people who are there to help you reset your password, login to your desktop or help you setup your email on that new smart phone.

Along with a few bios we hope to provide some insight into how technology works on campus. We will  give way some of our tips and tricks for working with popular technology and let you know how to get things fixed; who to call in an emergency and have some fun along the way.

Ours is not a very grand task but we hope it will be an informative and a little entertaining so please join us for the short weekly diversion you will find at the Desk.

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